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了解生产现场管理的基本理论和实践方式, 突破生产管理中的约束点, 推行精益生产理念和 全面生产维护管理方式,实现有效的生产计划规划和看板管理模式.
To understand the basic theory and practice method on manufactory working site management, break through the restriction of manufactory management, implement the LEAN production theory and production maintenance management method, realize effective production plan and Kanban management.


l 精益生产概述Lean Production Overview
² 5S和视觉管理5S and visual management
² 标准化工作和改善Standardized work and Kaizen
² 员工参与Employee involvement
² 问题解决Problem solving
² 约束管理Constraint management
² 防错Error proofing
² 全员生产性维护Total productive maintenance
² 快速换线Quick changeover and set up
² 看板Kanban
² 提升生产力方法Improve Productivity
l 5S 管理5S Management
² 5S介绍The introduction of 5S
² 推行5S的基本步骤和实现5S目标的途径 Basic steps and ways to gain 5S goal
l TPM在生产企业中的重要作用Important function of TPM
² 推行TPM十二大步骤 Twelve steps to implement TPM
² 预防维修,事后维修,纠正维修,维护维修在生产现场的运用.Maintenance’s apply on site
² 案例分享 Case study
l 改善的主要方法 Main ways to improvement
² 从人/机/料/法/环上突破原有的生产管理模式和思维模式,运用创造力改变现状
Breakout origin operation management and thought model and change present situation by creative power.
² 案例分析 Case study
l 如何缩短生产制造时间 How to reduce manufacture duration
² 缩短生产制造时间的方法和途径 Ways to reduce manufacture duration
² 如何设计和制定员工的工时定额 How to design and make man-hour amount
² 从生产链上实施同步生产 Carry out the same step production on its chain
l 看板管理系统运用 (DFT/ JIT) Kanban management system’s apply
² 柔性生产线的组织建设 Organize and build of flexible operation lines
² 目视化物料管理体系实践 Visual material management system
² 员工操作指导图的设计和运用 Design and apply of operation guidance chart
² 看板系统中防呆设计和看板卡的运用,看板量的合理计算 Kanban system’s design and apply , numbers calculation of kanban cards
² 实例练习 Case practice
l 问题的解决 Problem solving
² 如何面对工作中遇到的问题 How to face problems during works
² 解决问题的途径和方法 Ways to solve problems
² 6-Sigma基本理念和主要运用方式 6-Sigma basic ideas and main apply patterns
² 实例分析推行6 Sigma方式来改善生产流程中存在的问题 Case analysis
l 生产计划控制Production plan control
² 生产计划体系的层次及相互关系The systematic arrangements of production plan and their correlation
² 完整, 高效的计划体系必须具备的条件和在不同计划体系中实现营运目标的手段, 方法The necessary conditions a integrity and high effect plan system must have and the method makes the plan come true in different plan system.
² 计划管理体系中各种环节的相互影响和关键控制点 Inter-impact of links and key control points in plan systems
² 优化生产排序 Optimize production orders
² 实施同步生产的关键因素 The key factors to carry out the same step production
l 团队管理 Team management
² 团队管理的目的和基本组成 Aim and structure of team management
² 创造良好的团队工作氛围 Create a good working atmosphere
² 激发员工主动工作的关键因素 The key points to arouse employee’s enthusiasm

本课程名称: 工厂/车间管理


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