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开课时间:2015-11-26 09:00 已结束
开课地点:北京 北京市
关键字:project Project Management in Functional Organizations 课程内容Course outline1. Function management and Project management 1.1 what is function management?1.2 What is project management?1.3 Project management in general1.4 Projects in an industrial enterprisePresentation: My company and the projects in my company-3 presentersDiscussion:Different companies and different Projects.2. Typical projects in an industrial enterprise2.1 R&D projects and three tiers by MIT2.2 Product realization and order fulfillment projects2.3 Engineering projects by sponsors and contractors2.4 Continuous improvements projectsPresentation:Briefing a new production line construction project-1 presenterBriefing a contracted engineering project-2 presentersDiscussion: In MTS, ATO, MTO, ETO production patterns, which one or combination suits your company.3. Project definition and team building 3.1 Project definition and project initiation documents -PID3.2 Project team within a matrix organization 3.3 One servant –two masters problem and counter measures. 3.4 project -line and negative feed-back control loopPresentation: Defining a project I have done by the PID .-3 presentersDiscussion:The PID and related 9 knowledge areas.4. Scope definition and work breakdown structure4.1 Scope definition and scope creeping4.2 Product configuration and project scope4.3 project work breakdown structure-WBS4.4 Stage deliverables and Scope Verification Presentation:Presenting a system configuration from a capital equipment project-1 presenterPresenting a work breakdown structure from a R&D or engineering project -2 presentersDiscussion:Progressively elaboration and WBS at different phases and levels. 5. Time schedule and planning methods5.1 Duration estimation and reliable principle5.2 Activity sequencing and constraints5.3 Critical path schedule and critical chain schedule5.4 Fast tracking and delivery forecastingPresentation: Presenting a time schedule and identify the critical path for a typical project you have done-3 presentersDiscussion:Different Fast tracking methods you have practiced.6. Resource requirements and allocation methods6.1 Project resource requirement and planning 6.2 Systematical resource allocation method6.3 Responsibility resource allocation method6.4 Generic resource allocation method6.5 Specific resource allocation methodPresentation: Presenting a time schedule with resource allocations-3 presentersDiscussion: What is the significance of resource allocation and the weakness of PM theory. 7. Project and Product Cost Control 7.1 The problems of product cost control7.2 estimating methods and project budgeting7.3 product cost accounting and life cycle costs7.4 Cost control for project and productPresentation: Presenting a budget breakdown for a project-2 presentersPresenting a cost breakdown for a product-2 presentersDiscussion:What can be done to improve the cost control in different cases.8. Project Quality planning and control8.1 Product quality and quality in broad sense8.2 Quality warranty, guarantee and assurance8.3 Quality control and quality management8.4 Quality planning and project quality gatesPresentation:Identify the quality defects in the case study and analyze the reasons -4 presentersDiscussion: The difference of quality control methodology for redo processes and undo processes9. Risk analysis and responding strategies9.1 Event probability and Impact9.2 Risk identification and grading matrix9.2 Project risk management and Flow Diagram9.4 Risk response strategies and contingency planPresentation:Presenting four simple examples to illustrate the four responding strategies-4 presentersDiscussion:Your example of the alternative strategy in responding an indentified risk event.Course Closure(1) The summery of project management flow chart(2) Further questions and answers as well as discussions project
人气: 1064
开课时间:2016-08-20 08:00 已结束
开课地点:其它 其它地区
关键字:智能智造,工业4.0顶层设计,I4.0规划 德国工业4.0落地之旅 1. 全球最顶尖工业4.0技术盛宴 覆盖整个工业4.0产业链,各行业软硬件供应商聚集 最先进、最全面的工业4.0转型升级技术与成果 机器人、智能制造、大数据引领世界工业发展2. 为企业量身定制工业4.0解决方案 弗劳恩霍夫协会IPA专家亲受德国工业4.0成功实践案例 提前收集客户需求,针对客户情况预先设计实施路径现场面对面探讨需求,并为企业量身定制工业4.0解决方案3. 原汁原味的工业4.0课程 资深工业4.0专家,结合实践精心打造的课程体系 从理论到实战,从研发、制造到物流,展现全价值链发展逻辑4. 全程工业4.0专家陪同解答客户疑问 结合汉诺威工业展设计参观路线,专家陪同讲解和答疑 结合企业需求协助寻找定制解决方案要素,及时互动 结合标杆企业参访,结合自身问题吸收先进企业成功经验 智能智造,工业4.0顶层设计,I4.0