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  • 开课时间:2008/11/15 08:30 已结束
  • 结束时间:2008/11/15 17:00
  • 开课地点:广州市
  • 授课讲师: 待定
  • 课程编号:44280
  • 课程分类:人力资源
  • 收藏 人气:1669
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? 高效学习 “秘方”
? 教会您如何超越学员的预期
? 提供有效的方法改善培训的效果
? 让您在一天的训练中真切感受成人学习规律及特点的魅力
? 提供系列方法和工具帮助您将富有生机的成人学习规律及特点运用到您的培训中
? 向您展示如何架构培训以适应不同学习风格的学员
? 帮助您在课程设计和课程实施时兼顾不同学习风格者的特点
? 帮助您掌握有效技巧让您的学员学起来更轻松,掌握得更扎实
? 帮助您建立更能激励学员的培训环境
? 创造条件供您及其他人相互分享经验


【内容纲要/ What You Will Learn】

第一单元 架构培训

· 如何依据自己的知识和技能储备灵活运用成人学习规律
· 学习路径及开场破冰
· 有效的技能转化 “秘诀”
· 架构培训追求最佳课程效果
· 成功的培训及不成功的培训在“看”、“听”、“感觉”上有什么特点
· 快速判断培训是否有效
· 如何有效影响学员及创建高效的学习环境
· 课程设计及课程实施阶段可操控的因素
· 快速测评不同学习风格
· 不同学习风格的学习策略
· 如何从课程设计和课程实施阶段入手让课程适合不同学习风格者
· 62个成人学习规律及特点


? How to draw on your wealth of knowledge and skill to build a customized list of adult learning principles.
? The importance of designing road maps and icebreakers to "kick-start" your courses.
? A simple yet effective recipe that guarantees transfer of skills back on the job.
? How to structure your training to consistently achieve high levels of performance.
? What successful and unsuccessful learning looks, sounds, and feels like.
? A quick and easy technique to map out successful learning.
? How you can influence the learner and provide the conditions under which learning can take place.
? The factors you can control as a designer and instructor.
? A quick tool to assess different learning styles.
?Suggested training strategies for each learning style.
? How to adjust your course design and delivery to appeal to all styles.
? A comprehensive list of 62 adult learning principles.

第二单元 学习过程

· 如何在“接收―储存―提取”学习过程的各环节有效运用训练技巧
· 如何建立高效的记忆线索
· 如何高效运用技巧激发学员的场景感
· 如何在培训中运用比喻,类比,引述,典型,轶闻,故事等
· 如何在培训中运用描述性的语言
· 培训中的描述性语言与创造性语言的实用指导
· 培训中描述性语言案例集
· 培训中如何通过表层问题引导深层次学习
· 培训中六种层次问题促进学习
· 如何运用问题帮助学员学得容易,记得牢固
· 如何提问及获取答案的简易指导手册
· 40种有效方法指导学员在培训中实现自我帮助
· 学员可以快速运用的总结学习的实用方法
· 如何评估您是否在培训中运用了成人学习规律及特点
· 150个举措确保学员从您的培训中获得了最大的收益
· 如何在培训中运用难忘的总结及复习技巧
· 2个有趣且实效的总结及复习方法
· 高效总结与复习的步骤实例
· 培训中讲述故事6原则
· 培训中的故事模板
· 测评您在培训中激情的工具


? How to incorporate techniques that facilitate the acquire, store, and retrieve process.
? How to create powerful memory hooks.
? Guidelines for using techniques that trigger the senses, plus 21 examples.
? How to create similes, metaphors, analogies, allusions, personifications, anecdotes, and stories.
? How to use descriptive language to enhance training.
? A step-by-step job aid for generating varieties of creative and descriptive language.
? A grab bag of descriptive language samples to incorporate into your training.
? How to dig below surface level questions to encourage deeper learning.
? 6 levels of questions to promote learning acquisition and retention.
? How to use questions to help learners acquire information more easily and retain it longer.
? An easy-to-use worksheet for developing questions and expected answers.
? 40 ways to help your learners help themselves in the classroom and on their own.
? A time-saving job aid that your learners can use to create quick summaries.
? How to check that you have applied adult learning principles to your courses.
? A checklist of 150 actions to ensure adult learners get the most out of training.
? How to build memorable reviews and summaries into your training.
? 2 fun and easy-to-design review and summary methods.
? Step-by-step examples of methods for ensuring effective review and summary.
? 6 guidelines for delivering a story.
? A sample story that you can use for your own training.
? A tool to help you assess your enthusiasm level.


Training the Trainer Expert

廖海涛老师拥有汉语言文学和心理学双学士学位,取得英国威尔士大学(University of Wales)MBA硕士学位。廖海涛老师职业生涯起步于企业内训基础工作,历经培训主管、培训总监,再到专业培训师。廖海涛老师过去十几年的职业生涯中,广泛涉及到人力资源管理,个人素质与效率提升,管理与领导力发展等领域。

Michael is senior professional in Training and Development with double degrees in Chinese Language and Psychology, he also finished his MBA courses with University of Wales. He advanced his career from internal trainer to Director, during which his training subjects covered HR management, Personal Effectiveness, Management and leadership in various enterprises.

廖海涛老师有感于企业自我学习和成长的能力乃为组织生存与发展的关键因素,以及国内企业自我培训能力普遍低下的现状,立志为提升各类组织的自我培训能力贡献自己毕生的热情和精力。基于此,廖海涛老师结合自身在TTT领域的实战经验,并在过往的数年中扎身于国际国内培训理论的高端,先后成为世界最大最专业TTT培训公司朗格文咨询公司(Langevin Consultant) 亚洲区讲师,美国Kenblanchard 中国区执行讲师,美国DCCS(Delta College Corporate Services) 中国区讲师,慧通四海培训机构TTT项目负责人,从而把国际最先进的培训理论和最佳操作与中国的实情相结合,为中国的不同规模,不同背景的企业提供国际一流水准的TTT相关培训课程和咨询服务。

Michael engaged himself with the advancement of self-education capacity improvement for the Mainland China organizations due to his discovery of the ruling importance it and the unsatisfactory realities with virtually all the originations. He is committed to the development of TTT in China, he combined his practical experiences with the cutting-edge technology and best performances in the world so that he has been providing world class TTT training and solutions to enterprises of various background and size.

廖海涛老师授课细致入微,激情涌动,高度互动,并非常注重培训效果在学员和组织层面的转化。廖海涛老师在TTT企业内训师队伍建设进程管理上首推“TTT层级培养,分段训练”模式,将企业内部培训职能人员分为内部讲师,内部培训师和内部学习专家,从而厘清了目前内部培训师培养一锅炒的现象,并且从企业培训进度上切合成人学习的节奏,进行分段训练,真正保证培训效果,为企业培养拥有真功夫的内部培训人才乃至内部培训专家,从而被业内称为“TTT层级培养,分段训练实战专家”。请登陆 联系我们,了解详情。

In training courses, he’s greatest strength is his patient, passionate, and highly interactive approach to learning and has a strong focus on the bottom line. Out of his profound understanding and long enough time practices, he developed an effective and economic approach characterized as training steps and with levels, by which, he distinguished himself with the performers in the TTT stage.

其他TTT相关的课程如下/Relevant TTT Training Programs:


《Survival Skills For the New Trainer》

《Facilitation Skills For Trainers and Team Leaders》

《How To Present Training With Impact》

《Put Some Energy In Your Training》

《How To Present Technical Training》

《How To Design and Present Technical Training》

《Effective On-The-Job Training》

《Make New Employee Orientation A Success》


《How To Assess Training Needs》

《How to Design Effective Training Programs》

《How To Write Terrific Training Materials》

《How To Write Tests And Effective Training Materials》

《Make Training Stick》

《A Systematic Approach to the Transfer of Learning》

《Make Adult Learning Come To Life》

《Quality Control of Training》


《How to Manage the Training Function》

《Today´s Effective Training Coordinator》

《Marketing Your Training Internally》

4. 特殊类别培训师培训以及培训职能人士针对课程

《TTT Program New Employee Orientation》

《TTT Program Sales Training》

《TTT Program Customer Service》

《TTT Program Technical Training》

到目前为此,廖海涛老师已为陶氏化学(Dow Chemical)、安利、广东发展银行、紫翔电子、联茂电子、格林曼光电、江门敬记、康佳集团、浙江华严集团等多家不同背景,不同规模的企业提供过培训与发展的专业培训和咨询项目。

Until now, Michael liao has provided TTT related training to Dow Chemical, Amway, Guangdong Bank of Development, IEIT, Konka, Zixiang Electronic, ect.

本课程名称: 让成人学习活起来


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