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  • 开课时间:2008/12/01 09:00 已结束
  • 结束时间:2011/12/01 17:00
  • 开课地点:北京市
  • 授课讲师: 待定
  • 课程编号:36696
  • 课程分类:MBA/总裁班
  • 收藏 人气:1749
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帮助学员去拓展理论与实践, 理解世界以及改变世界之间的关系;帮助学员通过应用理论和辩论的技巧去研究他们调查所得的材料, 从而提高学员的判断,远见和问题分析的能帮助学员在他们的专业和管理领域设计并实施一个相关知识范畴的研究项目.
力;帮助学员发展成为具有知识及个人高度适应能力的思考型从业者, 进而更能协调/处理企业的变革与管理困惑;? 提高学员在学术与 管理及商业团体之间有效地交流与沟通的技巧, 并在两者之间起到解释官的作用;




Nottingham Business School
Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)

The DBA is designed to improve business and managerial practice through the development of the personal, intellectual and academic abilities of participants. It has a strong and committed focus on managerial and professional practice, and seeks to link the rigorous study
of work-based problems and issues to personal and professional development, thereby ensuring transfer of learning into organisational and managerial practice.


在诺丁汉商学院, 我们的目标就是要提供一个令人鼓舞并具有挑战性的学习环境, 从而促进我们学术研究团体的繁荣。
“At Nottingham Business School our aim is to provide a stimulating and challenging learning environment to facilitate our thriving research community.

我们商学院拥有一批非常活跃的研究人员,他们还担任了四大系的授课工作, 并且拥有数个由多个专家组成的中心, 这些中心为本课程参与者提供网络学习方面的支持。同时, 学院也因其与地方、国家及国际贸易机构之间的紧密联系而富有,并确保了学院所提供的教学,研究及咨询服务与现代管理理念相结合。
“The School has research-active staff in all four of its teaching departments, and a number of specialist centres providing a network of support for participants to draw upon. The School is also enriched by its close links with regional, national and international businesses, ensuring that teaching, research and consultancy undertaken by the School are informed by contemporary management thinking.

“The School’s intention is to provide participants with the opportunity to critically reflect upon current issues in management knowledge, and to augment their own understanding and professional practice.”

马丁. 雷诺教授
Professor Martin Reynolds
Dean of Nottingham Business School

诺丁汉商学院:Nottingham Business School

Nottingham Business School is one of the UK’s leading full-service business schools, providing a wide range of business and management education services for individuals and organisations. The School’s reputation within the international business world continues to go from strength to strength due to its consistent performance in terms of league tables, accreditation, student performance and research, and its impressive client base.

One of Nottingham Business School’s greatest strengths is its ability to draw on more than 25 years of experience to provide a comprehensive suite of postgraduate and vocational courses that are entirely work-related, customer-focused, and often work-based.

Students benefit from close links with business, a strong record of international work and collaboration, an excellent international reputation for applied research and the Business School’s significant work with public and private-sector organisations.

管理中心:Management Centre

我们在管理教育领域的专业方法使诺丁汉商学院的‘巴斯’管理中心得以建立,该中心提供最新通信及信息技术。此中心被专门设计成为从一个领先的管理学的学习环境 到提供对现有世界热点论题和机构的创造性的管理思维。
Our professional approach to management education led to the opening of Nottingham Business School’s Bass Management Centre, which incorporates the latest communications and information technology. The centre has been specifically designed as a leading management learning environment to support creative thinking about real-world issues and organisations.

学习支持:Learning support

The University’s Libraries and Learning Resources play a key role in supporting your studies. The Boots Library is well stocked and boasts a particularly impressive range of electronic academic journals and databases. Specialist staff are available to offer help and advice during the extended opening hours, which are designed to give you easier access to learning materials.

Why study for the DBA at Nottingham Business School?

The Doctorate of Business Administration has the same academic standing as a PhD. It is similarly a research-based qualification. Participants can therefore expect a challenging, stretching and demanding experience conducted in a stimulating atmosphere of intellectual and academic debate.

Differentiated qualification

随着工商管理硕士和管理类的其他硕士课程的不断增多, DBA课程提供了一个更尖端的,不同于硕士课程的教育方法从而不断提高个人及其专业水平.
With the proliferation of MBAs and other Masters qualifications in management subjects, the DBA offers a more sophisticated and differentiated approach to continuous personal and professional development

Practical perspective

从已有的学习方法到以独立研究为主的先进的学习方法通常主要集中在学术培训上。而商学院提供的DBA课程却致力于要符合工作中管理角色对学员个人及其专业水平的需求. 此DBA课程也因其出类拔萃的访问学者和,演讲者的贡献而拓展出不同的管理情景。
Established approaches to advanced study through independent research are traditionally focused on academic training. The Business School’s DBA focuses on meeting the professional and personal needs of those working in demanding managerial roles. The DBA is also enriched through the contribution of distinguished visiting staff and speakers, exploring issues in alternative management contexts.

Challenging traditional management understanding

DBA课程鼓励学员向现有公认的管理知识及认识进行挑战. 我们支持学员个人针对他们企业及其管理角色去发现新的, 创造性的个人回应及理解.
The DBA encourages participants to challenge currently assumed knowledge and understanding of management. We support individuals’ commitment to finding new, innovative and personal responses to their organisational and managerial roles.

Supportive research community

诺丁汉商学院的DBA课程提供了一个支持性的学习氛围, 并鼓励学员, 同僚与特约演讲者之间的沟通与互动.
The Nottingham Business School DBA provides a supportive environment, encouraging networking between peers, academics and guest speakers.

DBA课程的目的: The DBA aims

帮助学员去拓展理论与实践, 理解世界以及改变世界之间的关系;
To help participants explore the relationship between theory and practice; between understanding the world and changing it.

帮助学员通过应用理论和辩论的技巧去研究他们调查所得的材料, 从而提高学员的判断,远见和问题分析的能力;
To help participants develop their judgement, foresight and problem analysis by applying theoretical and forensic skills to the research material derived from their investigations.

帮助学员发展成为具有知识及个人高度适应能力的思考型从业者, 进而更能协调/处理企业的变革与管理困惑;
To help participants develop as reflective practitioners who have the intellectual and personal adaptability to be able to deal with organisational change and ambiguity.

提高学员在学术与 管理及商业团体之间有效地交流与沟通的技巧, 并在两者之间起到解释官的作用;
To develop communication skills which enable participants to communicate effectively with both the academic and the managerial / business communities, and to act as interpreters between the two.

To help participants to design and implement a research project at the boundaries of knowledge in their professional and managerial fields.

学习体系: Course Structure

诺丁汉商学院的DBA课程要求学员专注,精力旺盛并且努力工作。同样的,它提供给它的学员们一个充满激情的, 快乐的个人成长经历, 并以一个不断增值的课程及其卓有价值的资格证书作为回报。

Nottingham Business School’s DBA demands commitment, energy and hard work. In return it offers a stimulating and enjoyable development experience with the award of an increasingly valued and valuable qualification.


The delivery has been specifically designed to meet the needs of participants in demanding jobs. A series of five modules, three of which last for two-days and two for four-days, represent the taught element over the first two years of the programme. Both four-day modules are delivered as a pair of two-day study blocks.
年 教学模块 天数 学员学习作业 字数 导师及小组学习
第1期 DBA课程的介绍及研究人员与指导老师的领导关系的介绍 2天 2次导师约见
第1期 管理及管理研究中现存的热点及问题 2天 作业一:
定义并确定研究的问题 5,000字 1次小组学习
第2&3期 研究讨论: 思考,评估及辩论的能力 2天 作业二:
重点文献回顾及最初的研究框架构思 10,000-
15,000字 4次导师约见
第1&2期 研究方法论及人种志学方法的使用 4天 作业三:
关于一篇结构化研究的解释类报告 10,100-
15,000字 3次导师约见
第2&3期 结构研究方法 4天 作业四:
关于一篇结构化研究的报告 10,100-
15,000字 3次导师约见
第1-3期 论文计划 2天 作业五:
一篇论文 30,000字 6次导师约见
一篇反馈日志 5,000字 1次小组学习
总和 16天 6个评估项目 大约 80,000字 38个小时导师指导外加小组学习

In addition to the above, participants will form Action Learning Sets at the start of the programme which will operate throughout the three years. Sets are intended to provide a mechanism for mutual support and will be required to meet for a minimum of once per term.

每个学员将有两位导师来指导他们的研究, 导师将安排必要时间与学生见面。
Each participant will be assigned two supervisors to support them in their research, and will be entitled to a specified minimum number of hours for supervisory meetings.

评估标准: Assessment

The award of the DBA will be on the basis of successful completion of the six pieces of assessed work detailed in the table.

诺丁汉商学院认识到有个别学员有不能完成最后一个30,000字的论文的可能性。 鉴于此,针对所有申请并且注册DBA课程的学员,在其他考核要求都通过的情况下,如果没有完成最后的论文,这类学员可退出此课程,但可获得一个哲学硕士的学位。
Nottingham Business School recognise the possibility of individuals not completing the final thesis of 30,000 words. All applicants apply for and enrol on the DBA. However, in the event of non-completion of the thesis, where all other assessment requirements have been met, participants can exit the programme with a Master of Philosophy (MPhil).

Examination of each participant’s thesis will involve a viva voce and an external assessor with expertise in the subject or topic area of the thesis.

入学要求: Entry requirements

Candidates for the DBA should normally meet all of the following criteria:

Hold a MPhil, MBA or other Masters-level degree in the field of business and management or organisation studies. Please note that MAs from Oxford and
Cambridge universities are not appropriate as entry qualifications.

拥有领导管理层的职业经历, 或者在企业和管理实践中起到监管作用的相关职业经历.
Hold, or have held, a post which includes managerial responsibilities OR have been in a position to be able to observe organisational and managerial practice.

Have the potential to conduct research and write a thesis at doctoral level.

Prospective candidates not meeting any of the above criteria should contact the Course Leader to discuss the possible relevance of alternative qualifications.

如果您来自非英语国家,请提供英语熟练程度的证明,标准如下:If your first language is not English you will need to give evidence of English language proficiency to the following standards:
拥有雅思成绩: 6.5 (其中阅读及写作不可少于6分); 或者托福成绩: 600分(写作5分以上), 机考250分 (写作5分以上);
overall IELTS score of 6.5 to include a minimum of 6.0 in reading and writing elements or TOEFL 600, to include the Test for Written English (TWE) at 5 or above.
或者通过NTU大学工作人员评定的同等英文水平 (笔试+口试);

如何申请: How to apply

请严格按要求填写申请表格,并安排推荐人完成其推荐表格的填写. 为了确保您最佳的申请机会, 请您尽早申请;
Please complete the application form and arrange for referees to complete the reference forms. Applications should be submitted as early as possible to ensure the best opportunity for success.

在收到所有申请所需资料后, 安排面试的DBA考核组将认真考虑你的申请;
On receipt of all the relevant details, your application will be carefully considered by the DBA admissions team, who will arrange interviews wherever practicable.

具体费用, 请见以下说明.
Fees payable are detailed in the accompanying information.


DBA课程2008-2011年全部课程学费为 £26,300 [(£8,700/年, 其中包括学费、资料、签证及导师费用)及报名费 £200].


正规博士项目, 学员最终获得与英国本土学员同等学位;
非脱产性学习, 以工作中实际问题作为研究基础, 课程注重学习的实战性与研究性相结合;
强大的师资力量, 由国外和中方两国老师共同指导学员进行研究学习;

诺丁汉: Nottingham

The city of Nottingham combines commercial enterprise with historic heritage. It is a stimulating place to live and study. Nottingham Business School is located in the city centre, giving students access to the arts, numerous social events and more sporting facilities per person than in any other European city.

它占据着得天独厚的国家心脏的地理位置,并拥有发达的道路,铁路及航空线路,如从伦敦到诺丁汉乘火车只需要短短2个小时的时间。从国际线路上看, 诺丁汉市中心距东米德兰(East Midlands)国际机场只有12英里,并且与M1高速公路的24交汇口紧密相邻。

Nottingham is situated at the heart of the country and has excellent road, rail and air links. It is, for example, only two hours from London by train. International links are also good. Nottingham East Midlands Airport is just 12 miles from the city centre and is close to Junction 24 of the M1 motorway.



本课程名称: 英国诺丁汉商学院工商管理博士


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